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Evaluation Plan


Research Question

In how far does the smart shelf provide an addition to the users daily life through storing and helping locate missing items?


Throughout the project we have set some requirements for the product based on the research, interview and co-design sessions that have been conducted with the participant. These can be used to evaluate the success of the product.



Intended Users

Our Co-Designer, who is in our main target group and has a visual impairment with 95% vision loss.

Users with 0% vision.

Users without visual impairment, who may be disorganized.


Unintended Users

Co-habitants who might misplace items.

Pets like cats might try to enter the compartments or sit on the shelf.

Children who could be able to reach up to the shelf.


The test scenarios will be conducted with our co-designer, who has 95% visual impairment and represents the main target group.

Instructions were given on first use of the prototype but the user had no difficulty understanding how it works afterwards. These instructions would be given through a manual and instruction video coming with the product.


Scenario One

Ask the participant to set up one item with the shelf

  • Attach the chip to the chosen item

  • Place the item in the compartment corresponding to the chip (by color & sound)

  • Record an item identification message


Scenario Two

Simulate the participant leaving for work in the morning and taking the necessary item

  • Take the item out of the shelf

  • Turn off the shelf

    • Option 1: Press the off button on the shelf

    • Option 2: Use the concept app to turn off the shelf

  • Turn the shelf back on

  • Place the item back in the shelf

This scenario could not be tested with the prototype, only simulated as the prototype doesn’t have an on/off button.


Scenario Three

Simulate a search for the lost item

  • (Turn on the shelf)

    • Option 1: Use the shelf button

    • Option 2: Use the app button

  • Press the button of the correct corresponding compartment

    • Option 1: Press the search button on the shelf

    • Option 2: Press the compartment button on the app

  • Change the volume of the search sound

    • Option 1: Change the volume on the shelf

    • Option 2: Change the volume with the concept app

  • Locate the item and turn off the search

    • Option 1: Press the button on the item’s chip

    • Option 2: Press the search button on the shelf

    • Option 3: Press the compartment button on the app

This scenario is limited since the prototype does not have a volume or on/off button, those were simulated.


Extreme Use Scenario Cat

  • A cat tries to jump onto the shelf

  • A cat tries to climb on the shelf

  • A cat tries to enter the compartment

  • A cat presses one of the buttons


Extreme Use Scenario Child

  • A child reaches up to press a button

  • A child places a heavy object against the shelf


The extreme use scenarios are considered in storyboards (see final product), but could not be tested.

Insights gained from feedback from the co-designer:


  • The final product should either be smaller than the current prototype or be able to assign multiple items to one compartment to maximise usability.

  • We should include options for functionality to allow for individual preferences. This includes an on/off button, the ability to turn the LED on/off, change the brightness of the LED and volume of the tracker sound.

  • When turning the shelf on, it should say which items are currently stored in it.

  • Add a reminder to place the item back into the compartment upon coming home as an addition for completely blind people, but make sure it is not too frequent or annoying. This could be sent out fifteen minutes after coming home for instance.

  • For instructions, a video explaining use would be more beneficial than instructions read out loud.

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